WHO IS "Colored Coat Creative" ?

Marketing & Advertising Company

with an emphasis in Software & Customer Relations

We are an Advertising & Marketing Agency that assists Any Size Company with all Solutions; Ranging from Customer Relationship Management Systems, Reputation Management, Logos, Websites, Ads & Landing pages, etc.

Colored Coat Creative is not a single-person, jack-of-all-trades agency.

Our team is comprised of several creative professionals who are experts with a wealth of industry experience.

We have Expert web designers, graphic designers, SEO experts, digital marketing specialists, reputation managers, and talented copywriters available Monday-Friday (9 am-5 pm) for your marketing and brand development needs.

We are a Full-Service Agency and open to collaborating with all different business types and would love to CHAT to see if we are the right fit for each other.

At this time, we Specialize in helping Churches, Private Schools, Veterinarians, Pet Breeders, Rescues, Dog Trainers, Pet Groomers, Farmers, Pet Stores and All other Faith-Based or Pet Loving Businesses Grow and have a Positive Impact on their Community! — We all Share this World and can make it a Better Place 1 Community at a Time 🥰

Overall, we LOVE seeing Businesses Excel! We Provide Each Client with Everything we've got.

We take Joy in not only our work but the Success, Growth & Satisfaction of the Companies that come to us.

WHY the Name "Colored Coat Creative" ?

The "Colored Coat" Represents OVERCOMING Adversity Against All Odds, with Triumph.

Based on the Coat of Many Colors & the Story of Joseph in the Bible.

We are a Faith-Based Advertising Agency; this can make us a wise choice for YOUR COMPANY in many ways:

We have a Strong Ethical Code that we Stand Behind 100% - Our Word is Our Bond in the Eyes of God (Benefit).

So, when we say we want to see your success, growth and that we are in it Together, we Mean it!

Mindful of ALL Audiences; Their Various Cultures, Ages, Mindsets in a way to Avoid Offense with Your Company Name (a Risk Not all Agencies will Protect You from!).

Providing Well-Rounded, Steadfast Advertisements that Market Your Product or Service to INCREASE Appeal to MORE regardless of Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Cultures, etc. (Benefit)

We Advertise while Encouraging the Audience to Feel Good about themselves! Reaching the Holistic Individual and having a Deeper Impact than Just their Base Compartmental Needs.

They will Purchase or Sign-Up Feeling GOOD about themselves and will want to SHARE that Feeling with Others! (Benefit)

IF the Company Hiring Us IS Open to it, we OFFER Advertising with Gospel Ties; this brings back Every Product and Service Back To The Bible and May include Bible Verses and/or Bible Themes. Having the Gospel as the Main Narrative Reaches every culture the Deepest and with the Most Ease. (Benefit)

We Choose Companies that align with our Core Values to Avoid Professional Conflict! (Benefit)

If You want to advertise with Sexual Innuendo we understand that urge (as it is a large draw in society), However, we believe You can Stay "Clean" in Any Business and Still get Major Recognition!

Clean Humor can go a Long Way!

P.s We Look Forward to getting to know You!

IF we are Not a Good Fit Professionally, that is OK!

The Free Consultation will Help Us Both Determine that Early On! (Benefit)

Don't Forget, Everything Your Company Participates in -or- Posts Represents Your Companies Overall "Brand Image".

Make It Count, Be the Massage!

Set Goals — Achieve Success

The Main Goals of Each of Our Services is to Provide:

A Positive ROI (Return on Investment) for our Clients

Always Reinforce a Positive Reputation (using our ReviewLead Services)

Increase Resource & Employee Productivity

Satisfy our Clients


Customer Management

Target the Needs of Your Company & Your Customers.

— Effectively & Efficiently Manage Customers and Cultivate Relationships!

ReviewLead Services

Word of Mouth Referrals are Key for Small or Growing Businesses.

— With Technology those Referrals can reach the World; Make Word of Mouth Referrals EASY for Your Customers & Help Them be Heard!

Revamp Your Brand

What Potential Customers See or Experience with Your Brand Matters!

— Does Your Brand send the Right Message and have Recognition?

Get Educated

Marketing is not only Valuable to Your Business but it is Absolutely Essential!

— Learn about the Different Areas of Marketing that could Benefit Your Company.

Start Strengthening Your Brand & Reputation Today!

Start Strengthening Your Brand & Reputation Today!

Contact Colored Coat Creative:


“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

Where to Begin?

Company Marketing Evaluation:

Do you know the Current Standing of Your Company's Reputation, Searchability, SEO, Website Functionality & Competition?

Want to Find Out at NO Cost to Your Company?


It is Hard to fully grasp the Impact or importance of things without First educating Yourself About those things.

Do not get lost in complex Explanations made by agencies just trying to make you feel overwhelmed enough leaving you feeling you have no choice but to hire them

— LEARN about How a Marketing Agency Can Help You.

Then, Get Excited to Incrementally or Entirely Scale Your Business with the Right Help!

Stay Motivated!

Follow @ColoredCoatCreative on Social Media for Short Uplifting/Inspirational Business Posts — Reminding us of the Powerful Entrepreneur Inside that Never gives up!

A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

© 2021 Colored Coat Creative. Privacy Policy.

Website & Forms Powered by Colored Coat Creative

Icons by Icons8.com

A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

© 2021 Colored Coat Creative. Privacy Policy.

Website & Forms Powered by Colored Coat Creative

Icons by Icons8.com