What is a CRM System?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. A CRM system is a piece of software or platform that helps you manage your relationship with your customers to increase their chances of staying with your brand and becoming loyal to you; the start of Brand Loyalty.

In specific terms, a CRM system is a tool that helps you store customer information AND personally interact in one place. Making it easy to manage sales, marketing, and other customer interactions such as SMS (text), social media (messages & comments), email, live chat, traditional phone calls, etc. from One Dashboard.

...Enter the Value of Customer Relationship Management:

What’s the most important aspect of your business?

Is it getting the right employees, equipment, office, or store building?

These are all important; however, your customers are your most valuable assets, and you wouldn’t have a business without them.

So you want to make sure that you don’t just acquire customers but also retain them.

This is where the value of a CRM system comes in.

No more switching tabs or multiple logins to check many platform throughout the day all to connect with clients; Connect in ONE system to save time and increase productivity!

CRM example photo

How Can a CRM System Create Value for Your Business?

If you want to keep track of your interactions with your customers and prospects efficiently and quickly, spreadsheets (or worse, sticky notes) won’t cut it.

Getting good CRM software is the way to go.

A good CRM system is more than just a piece of software.

It helps you create lasting relationships with your customers.

It enables you to understand your customers so you can develop solutions that meet their needs and, in turn, provide value for your business.

There are several benefits of using a CRM system.

Making it a worthwhile investment regardless of the size of your business.

The following are just some of the benefits you stand to gain by using one:

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is vital to the success of any business. In fact, prioritizing customer experience alone can set you apart from your competitors by miles. This is primarily because customers value their experience and interaction with your brand even more than your product.

To excel at customer satisfaction, you need to know your customers and what makes them tick. What better way to do that than with a store of information and insights on every interaction your customer has with your brand? This is what CRM software can do for you.

With the insights you glean from your CRM software, you can easily improve major touchpoints along your customer journey and make it seamless to purchase your product.

Informed Business Decisions

As a business owner, you have to make decisions all the time, and these decisions can either make or break your business. If yours is a customer-centric business - and it should be - your decisions need to promote customer acquisition and retention.

CRM software gives you access to customer data at a glance, and that takes the guesswork out of your decision-making process. It also saves you from making decisions solely based on what your competitors are doing.

With a CRM system, you can make decisions based on customer behavior and insights from sales reports. This helps you create a long-term business strategy that serves your customers and, in turn, improves your bottom line.

Seamless Teamwork

Sales, marketing, customer service, and business development teams usually work with customer data to carry out their tasks.

CRM software provides easy access to customer information, making it easy for your employees to collaborate within and across teams.

The ability to collaborate seamlessly creates synergy within teams and leads to high productivity, which, in turn, gives you an increase in revenue.

Helps You Find Your Most Profitable Customers with Ease

Sometimes, you want to target your most profitable customers with campaigns that increase their loyalty to your brand, encourage them to make more purchases, or become brand advocates.

To pull this off successfully, you’ll need to identify who your most profitable customers are without putting in so much effort. A CRM system doesn’t just save information on all your customers. It also does it in an organized way that makes it easy to access customer data based on the criteria you’re looking to use.

Gives You Competitive Advantage

Businesses don’t thrive based on how spectacular their products are. In most cases, other brands offer similar types of products or services to yours. How do you differentiate your brand from theirs?

Thankfully, people don’t make purchasing decisions solely based on products or services. They attach more value to their experience right from the point when they discover your brand until they make a purchase. So, their experience determines whether they choose you over the competition.

A CRM system arms you with the insights you need to meet and exceed your customers’ expectations as they move across all the significant touchpoints that lead up to making a purchase and even after-sales support.


Building a relationship with your customers or prospects requires getting to know them and how they interact with your business. So, you shouldn’t disregard the value of a CRM system to your business's success. It makes it easy to keep up with all your customer interactions across different channels in one place.

At Colored Coat Creative, we provide you with an effective CRM system that helps you manage your customer interactions in real-time while allowing you to focus on other business activities.

Ready to take our CRM system for a spin?

Get started today!

Looking for all of your Business Essentials in ONE place?

Our Customer Relationship management System includes:

Unlimited Contacts

(that you can import or export)

Real-Time Automated and/or Manual Booking Calendars

(that can be added to your website or anywhere you can put a Link)

Check & Reply to Messages on Multiple Platforms!

Instagram, Facebook, GMB (Google My Business) and Text!

(+ all correspondence with each customer is logged!)

Receive, Make & Record Calls!

(Integrated with Twilio + voicemail & recorded call logs!)

Custom Forms & Surveys

(to add to your website)

Two-Way Texting

(Integrated with Twilio)

Unlimited Sending of Invoices via Text or Email + Tax Settings

(Integrated with Stripe through Twilio and/or Mailgun)

Unlimited Acceptance of Payments via Text or Email

(Integrated with Stripe through Twilio and/or Mailgun)


Tasks & Reminders

(part of Calendar)

Call & Appointment Reporting

(per User)

Assign Each User/Employee to the CRM based on Shifts and Monitor their Activity

Social Media, Google, Quickbooks, Shopify, Stripe and more integrations to make everything more efficient — Saving time & money!

Get it All in one system — Consolidate to Save Time & Money!

When you compare it to all the Services purchased separately from different providers and the ability to integrate it all in one place you can save a lot of money while increasing productivity and your Monthly ROI!

We, here @ColoredCoatCreative, would Love to Help you get setup on our proprietary CRM!

We truly believe it will be a Night & Day difference in managing those business needs Efficiently 🥰

P.s Looking for more?!

We can host a Wordpress website or you/we can build an amazing one for you right in our CRM System!

+ there are Even More Features if you ever chose to upgrade but the Business Essential Plan (above) is a Great place to start! 🥰

Looking for all of your Business Essentials in ONE place?

Our Customer Relationship management System includes:

Unlimited Contacts

(that you can import or export)

Real-Time Automated and/or Manual Booking Calendars

(that can be added to your website or anywhere you can put a Link)

Check & Reply to Messages on Multiple Platforms!

Instagram, Facebook, GMB (Google My Business) and Text!

(+ all correspondence with each customer is logged!)

Receive, Make & Record Calls!

(Integrated with Twilio + voicemail & recorded call logs!)

Custom Forms & Surveys

(to add to your website)

Two-Way Texting

(Integrated with Twilio)

Unlimited Sending of Invoices via Text or Email + Tax Settings

(Integrated with Stripe through Twilio and/or Mailgun)

Unlimited Acceptance of Payments via Text or Email

(Integrated with Stripe through Twilio and/or Mailgun)


Tasks & Reminders

(part of Calendar)

Call & Appointment Reporting

(per User)

Assign Each User/Employee to the CRM based on Shifts and Monitor their Activity

Social Media, Google, Quickbooks, Shopify, Stripe and more integrations to make everything more efficient — Saving time & money!

Get it All in one system — Consolidate to Save Time & Money!

When you compare it to all the Services purchased separately from different providers and the ability to integrate it all in one place you can save a lot of money while increasing productivity and your Monthly ROI!

We, here @ColoredCoatCreative, would Love to Help you get setup on our proprietary CRM!

We truly believe it will be a Night & Day difference in managing those business needs Efficiently 🥰

P.s Looking for more?!

We can host a Wordpress website or you/we can build an amazing one for you right in our CRM System!

+ there are Even More Features if you ever chose to upgrade but the Business Essential Plan (above) is a Great place to start! 🥰


Customer Management

Target the Needs of Your Company & Your Customers.

— Effectively & Efficiently Manage Customers and Cultivate Relationships!

ReviewLead Services

Word of Mouth Referrals are Key for Small or Growing Businesses.

— With Technology those Referrals can reach the World; Make Word of Mouth Referrals EASY for Your Customers & Help Them be Heard!

Revamp Your Brand

What Potential Customers See or Experience with Your Brand Matters!

— Does Your Brand send the Right Message and have Recognition?

Get Educated

Marketing is not only Valuable to Your Business but it is Absolutely Essential!

— Learn about the Different Areas of Marketing that could Benefit Your Company.


Customer Management

Target the Needs of Your Company & Your Customers.

— Effectively & Efficiently Manage Customers and Cultivate Relationships!

ReviewLead Services

Word of Mouth Referrals are Key for Small or Growing Businesses.

— With Technology those Referrals can reach the World; Make Word of Mouth Referrals EASY for Your Customers & Help Them be Heard!

Revamp Your Brand

What Potential Customers See or Experience with Your Brand Matters!

— Does Your Brand send the Right Message and have Recognition?

Get Educated

Marketing is not only Valuable to Your Business but it is Absolutely Essential!

— Learn about the Different Areas of Marketing that could Benefit Your Company.

Start Strengthening Your Brand & Reputation Today!

Contact Colored Coat Creative:

Contact Colored Coat Creative:


“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

Where to Begin?

Company Marketing Evaluation:

Do you know the Current Standing of Your Company's Reputation, Searchability, SEO, Website Functionality & Competition?

Want to Find Out at NO Cost to Your Company?


It is Hard to fully grasp the Impact or importance of things without First educating Yourself About those things.

Do not get lost in complex Explanations made by agencies just trying to make you feel overwhelmed enough leaving you feeling you have no choice but to hire them

— LEARN about How a Marketing Agency Can Help You.

Then, Get Excited to Incrementally or Entirely Scale Your Business with the Right Help!

Stay Motivated!

Follow @ColoredCoatCreative on Social Media for Short Uplifting/Inspirational Business Posts — Reminding us of the Powerful Entrepreneur Inside that Never gives up!

A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

© 2021 Colored Coat Creative. Privacy Policy.

Website & Forms Powered by Colored Coat Creative

Icons by Icons8.com

A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

© 2021 Colored Coat Creative. Privacy Policy.

Website & Forms Powered by Colored Coat Creative

Icons by Icons8.com