What is Reputation Management?

Reputation management is the process of influencing the public’s perception of your business. It usually includes monitoring, controlling, or enhancing what people think about a business or how people perceive it. It also involves managing situations or conversations that threaten your business’ reputation.

By paying attention to what people think about your brand, you can easily create strategies that will give it the positioning it needs to thrive.

...Enter the Value of Reputation Management:

Potential customers choose businesses based on how they or their friends/family perceive a specific brand, ie. Brand Reputation. What if you could influence their perception? If your business gets a negative review, how do you manage its' impact on your customers’ perception of your brand?

Solution: Reputation Management!

If you’re looking to build a sustainable and successful business, your brand reputation is everything. So, you need to understand the value of reputation management and its specific impact on your brand, especially your sales. Thankfully, that’s what this article is all about. So, let’s get started!

CRM example photo

Why is Reputation Management Important?

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, you cannot negotiate the importance of reputation management in business. This is because one of the most effective ways to differentiate your company from the competition is by putting your brand in the good books of your target audience - whether prospective or existing customers, potential investors, collaborators, or partners.

Essentially, reputation management is vital to the sustenance of your business. It will determine if people buy from you or carry their business to your competition - even if you think your products are better.

Many business owners think reputation management is only useful when there is a threat to their reputation. Unfortunately, when there’s a threat, it’s already a reputation crisis and can rarely be salvaged without any damages. So, you need a reputation management company looking out for your brand all the time.

What’s a business without sales?

Even if you’re just starting your business and are currently focusing on brand awareness, you do hope to start raking in sales at some point, don’t you?

Well, we'll give it to you straight - reputation management can help you skyrocket your sales. We bet you want that. Who wouldn't?

There are several benefits of having Online Reputation Management.

Making it a worthwhile investment regardless of the size of your business.

The following are just some of the benefits you stand to gain:

Attract High-Paying Customers

Have you ever wondered why some brands can charge higher prices than their competitors and still rake in lots of sales?

The key is their reputation.

By making conscious efforts to manage your company’s reputation, you would be positioning your brand to attract high-paying customers. This is because having a strong positive reputation helps people perceive you as having more value to offer. And guess what? Many people are willing to pay more for value.

Prevents Your Sales from Plummeting Due to Damaging Reviews or Comments

People tend to believe what their peers think of your business over whatever you have to say. With the rising number of internet users, a nasty comment on social media or a negative review can be very damaging. It can cause a company to lose customers, causing its sales plummet.

A good reputation management company can anticipate risks that can affect your company's reputation and help control it before it becomes a crisis that affects your sales.

Even when the damage does happen, a good reputation management strategy can usually repair the damage and prevent it from escalating further.

Having said that, reputation management can help you control potentially damaging reviews or comments.

Correctly Price Your Products or Services

There’s always the temptation to benchmark your price against what the competition charges. But that’s not enough. The best way to know if you’re overpricing or underpricing your products or services is by knowing what your customers think of your brand.

If you know how your customers perceive your brand, you can have an accurate idea of the right price to assign to your products and services. You may charge slightly higher than the competition, and your customers would not mind.

How do you know what’s on the minds of your customers? The answer is brand reputation management. With a good reputation monitoring strategy in place, you can make these decisions knowing that your customers will respond favorably.

Increases Your Sales by Building Trust

It’s quite challenging to sell to an audience that doesn’t trust your brand. However, a good brand reputation can help fix any trust issues your customers have.

A strong positive reputation builds trust in your customers for your brand, and this is perhaps one of the best parts of managing your brand's reputation.

When your customers trust your brand, they are likely to buy a wider range of products from your brand. This way, you’ll have a higher average number of purchases per customer, leading to increased sales for you.

Increases Your Customer Base by Building Loyalty

It’s easy to establish credibility with strategic company reputation management. It’s also easy to build customer loyalty when people perceive your business to be credible. In fact, they’ll gladly become advocates of your brand both offline through word-of-mouth marketing and online.

As your customers refer people in their social circles to your brand, your customer base will grow larger and yield more sales for your business.

Get Access to Valuable Insights for Productive Business Strategies

Reputation management involves monitoring and measuring the perceptions of people about your brand. Monitoring your company's reputation in this way can give you loads of insights and direction for running your business.

When it comes to marketing, for instance, the insights you gather will be valuable in directing your campaigns and other advertising projects. You’ll know who to target with what and the best way to communicate your message to your audience.

When you create your business strategy to influence your customers, you’ll get more results in sales and other important success metrics.


If you’re looking to build a business that will stand the test of time, negative reviews, or the competition, your reputation must be solid and positive. And this goes beyond attending to social media mentions. It has to be a holistic approach that touches everywhere your customer airs their views about your brand.

That’s why it’s best to let a reputation management company like Colored Coat Creative take up this task for you.

At Colored Coat Creative, we provide thorough & proactive reputation management.

Ready to start building your reputation -or- improve your existing brand reputation?

Get started today!

Looking for all of your Business Essentials in ONE place?

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Unlimited Contacts

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When you compare it to all the Services purchased separately from different providers and the ability to integrate it all in one place you can save a lot of money while increasing productivity and your Monthly ROI!

We, here @ColoredCoatCreative, would Love to Help you get setup on our proprietary CRM!

We truly believe it will be a Night & Day difference in managing those business needs Efficiently 🥰

P.s Looking for more?!

We can host a Wordpress website or you/we can build an amazing one for you right in our CRM System!

+ there are Even More Features if you ever chose to upgrade but the Business Essential Plan (above) is a Great place to start! 🥰


Customer Management

Target the Needs of Your Company & Your Customers.

— Effectively & Efficiently Manage Customers and Cultivate Relationships!

ReviewLead Services

Word of Mouth Referrals are Key for Small or Growing Businesses.

— With Technology those Referrals can reach the World; Make Word of Mouth Referrals EASY for Your Customers & Help Them be Heard!

Revamp Your Brand

What Potential Customers See or Experience with Your Brand Matters!

— Does Your Brand send the Right Message and have Recognition?

Get Educated

Marketing is not only Valuable to Your Business but it is Absolutely Essential!

— Learn about the Different Areas of Marketing that could Benefit Your Company.


Customer Management

Target the Needs of Your Company & Your Customers.

— Effectively & Efficiently Manage Customers and Cultivate Relationships!

ReviewLead Services

Word of Mouth Referrals are Key for Small or Growing Businesses.

— With Technology those Referrals can reach the World; Make Word of Mouth Referrals EASY for Your Customers & Help Them be Heard!

Revamp Your Brand

What Potential Customers See or Experience with Your Brand Matters!

— Does Your Brand send the Right Message and have Recognition?

Get Educated

Marketing is not only Valuable to Your Business but it is Absolutely Essential!

— Learn about the Different Areas of Marketing that could Benefit Your Company.

Start Strengthening Your Brand & Reputation Today!

Contact Colored Coat Creative:

Contact Colored Coat Creative:


“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

“Mauris aliquam lobortis eros tincidunt sodales. Vestibulum non quam vitae sapien eleifend varius. Phasellus id metus mauris.”

Where to Begin?

Company Marketing Evaluation:

Do you know the Current Standing of Your Company's Reputation, Searchability, SEO, Website Functionality & Competition?

Want to Find Out at NO Cost to Your Company?


It is Hard to fully grasp the Impact or importance of things without First educating Yourself About those things.

Do not get lost in complex Explanations made by agencies just trying to make you feel overwhelmed enough leaving you feeling you have no choice but to hire them

— LEARN about How a Marketing Agency Can Help You.

Then, Get Excited to Incrementally or Entirely Scale Your Business with the Right Help!

Stay Motivated!

Follow @ColoredCoatCreative on Social Media for Short Uplifting/Inspirational Business Posts — Reminding us of the Powerful Entrepreneur Inside that Never gives up!

A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

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A Big World CAN Equal Big Recognition..

Let Us Get Your Company More Recognition with Our Help


Let's START by Checking Your SEO, Your Company's Performance and Your Reputation; To See what would Benefit Your Company Most.

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.

© 2021 Colored Coat Creative. Privacy Policy.

Website & Forms Powered by Colored Coat Creative

Icons by Icons8.com